Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lump In Leg Calf I Also Have A Lump In My Lower Calf Area Of My Leg Next To My Bone.?

I also have a lump in my lower calf area of my leg next to my bone.? - lump in leg calf

I was hit in the leg during football games in the school 24 years ago. If someone knocks, I feel a sharp pain. I mentioned to my doctor, somehow ignoring me. I told him again, so I programmed a venous doppler done. Who was negative. Yesterday I had an MRI, and Dr. courses from the city until Monday. I'm @ a loss that happens in my leg. I could just sit and a sharp pain, and no one plays. Suggestions?


Arvind P said...

I think I've taken a plain x-ray and the report was not conclusive. If the MRI diagnosis, a / FNAC FNAC could help get (fine needle aspiration / biopsy. If the swelling is small, it can be removed and tested (HPE) and continue from there

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